Operation Mekong Dragon

In the Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS), methamphetamine production and trafficking as well as the opium poppy cultivation are expending as market demand for illicit drugs remains high. The diversion and trafficking of precursor chemicals and the emergence of new synthetic drugs are also a challenge. With the drugs problems arising, each nation in GMS realized that the problem could not be handled independent of one another. In view of the above background and needs, China Customs and Vietnam Custom proposed Operation Mekong Dragon in coordination with RILO AP. Customs administrations in the GMS are invited to participate, including customs agencies from Cambodia, China, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand and Viet Nam. And Korea Customs Service, as the host of RILO AP, might be invited as an observer to take part in some activities of the Operation, if applicable. Within the limits of the law of each country, the objective of Operation Mekong Dragon is to enhance information and intelligence exchange and cooperative enforcement efforts amongst customs across the GMS to prevent and intercept illegal cross-border movements of drugs and chemical precursors.